Weekly Winners 2022 - 48

02 Dec
by Arjen

The interests are flooded with cards from the Secret Lair: 30th Anniversary Countdown Kit and Jumpstart 2022. These cards have hit the market and the prices are trying to settle. So between this heavy shifting in prices we managed to find some cards that are fun discussing, and we did find cards from several formats to discuss. There even is mentioning of a Transformer card in this article. All-in-all it shaped up to be a pretty fun week!

Like every week, just in time for FNM, I'll now tell you about the cards that will be the talk of the town tonight! Come discuss this week's price movements with us on Discord and Reddit.


Over and Under

Last week Harvey started writing a new series called "Over and Under" where he picks his favorite over- and underpriced cards. The first iteration can be found at https://www.mtgstocks.com/news/3998-over-and-under-november-2022.

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#1 Brotherhood's End $5.09 (+130%)

Brotherhood's End


When this card came out I think a lot of people immediately realized that this was a good sweeper in at least some formats. Cards like Anger of the Gods have had a home in Standard, sees play in Pioneer and Modern occasionally. So when Brotherhood's End was spoiled it was clear that this card may also find a home in perhaps these same formats. It also does 3 damage to all creatures, but also hits planeswalkers. With it costs the same as Anger of the Gods. The thing it does not do is exile creatures that would die, but you can use it to destroy artifacts as well giving it some more versatility.

And boy, do some formats love a way to get rid of artifacts. In Legacy and Modern we have a bunch of Urza's Saga decks for instance. So we indeed see Brotherhood's End show up in some Izzet Delver Modern and Legacy decks. But it obviously also sees quite some play in Grixis and Rakdos Standard decks. In Pioneer we see the card being played in Izzet Phoenix and Thing in the Ice decks.

It is an interesting card to keep track of, and because of its name it may not be really easy to reprint it in regular expansion sets.

Brotherhood's End
Brotherhood's End (Extended Art)


#2 Mycosynth Golem $41.72 (+46%)

Mycosynth Golem


This rare from Fifth Dawn has not seen a real reprint since its first one in 2004. There is the reprint from The List, which is in fact a lot cheaper than its original counterpart when we look at the average price. However, the market prices are closer together and are between $20 and $25.

We have been talking these past Weekly Winners a lot about artifact cards, or cards that care about artifacts This is mainly due to the The Brothers' War set and its commander product that revolve around artifact interactions. And as you might have noticed Mycosynth Golem care about artifacts. The 4/5 creature itself want as many artifacts as possible on the battlefield to make its own cost cheaper, because with a cost of 11 mana it is not cheap. However, when it hits the battlefield it will make sure all your other artifact creature spells also have affinity for artifacts. That's pretty good. When you play artifact lands, some artifact mana rocks, and maybe a mana-producing Myr this card could hit the battlefield pretty quickly.

This card is a good upgrade to the Urza's Iron Alliance deck and sees play in Commander around several new commanders, like Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter, Urza, Chief Artificer, and one of the Transformers cards in Megatron, Tyrant.

Mycosynth Golem
Mycosynth Golem
Megatron, Tyrant
Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter
Urza, Chief Artificer


#3 Cityscape Leveler $6.38 (+28%)

Cityscape Leveler


This card may not be on top of this week's Interests, but I felt it is a good one to discuss. There were other cards higher up, like Reaver Titan, but I felt this card was too similar to the previous winner. So when we look at Cityscape Leveler I feel this is a card to keep your eye on. It is, with , a pretty expensive artifact. But for that you get a powerful attacker, it can destroy some permanents, and it can even come back from the graveyard with its Unearth ability. When this hits the battlefield, it needs to be dealt with quickly!

The card has found its way into Pioneer Nykthos Ramp sideboards. But also in Modern we see it occasionally show up in Mono Blue Tron decks, because those decks don't really shy away from cards costing 8 mana. The card has also shown up on stream from multiple content creators. One of the more prominent being SaffronOlive playing it in his "Against the Odds" Standard deck around Tatyova, Steward of Tides.

In Commander we also see this Mythic show up, mainly around Urza, Powerstone Prodigy and Mishra, Tamer of Mak Fawa.

Tatyova, Steward of Tides
Cityscape Leveler
Urza, Powerstone Prodigy
Mishra, Tamer of Mak Fawa


Cheap Pickups

Please note: for our 'record low' we consider the price of the card over the past 7 years. Many cards have been even cheaper (a) decade(s) ago. Also note: some cards are still going down, and might be even cheaper pickups next week.


Haughty Djinn $2.89 - Moving up!
Haughty Djinn


Haughty Djinn has been identified by the MTGStocks Premium Penny Stocks feature as a card that has reached its bottom and is starting a consistent uptrend.


Timeless Lotus $17.15 - Slowly moving down
Timeless Lotus


Avabruck Caretaker $7.42 - Slowly moving down
Avabruck Caretaker


Haughty Djinn
Timeless Lotus
Avabruck Caretaker

Arjen has been playing Magic since Ice Age and has mostly played the Legacy format. Ten years ago he founded MTGStocks because he and his friends wanted to buy Magic singles at the right time to play with.

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