Reserved List

Cards on this list will never be reprinted by Wizards of the Coast, preserving their scarcity and value.

AbeyanceWeatherlight Rare $8.51 $8.42
AborothWeatherlight Rare $1.18 $1.40
Academy RectorUrza's Destiny Rare $62.99 $52.75
Acid RainLegends Rare $99.99 $99.86
Acidic DaggerMirage Rare $0.74 $0.36
Adun OakenshieldLegends Rare $87.19 $76.70
Aegis of the MeekIce Age Rare $0.75 $0.61
AeolipileFallen Empires Rare $1.97 $1.91
Afiya GroveMirage Rare $1.20 $0.82
Aku DjinnVisions Rare $1.46 $1.45
Al-abara's CarpetLegends Rare $50.00 $50.08
Alchor's TombLegends Rare $20.16 $19.74
Ali from CairoArabian Nights Rare $285.99 $349.94
All Hallow's EveLegends Rare $500.00 $427.51
Altar of BoneIce Age Rare $5.24 $4.55
AlurenTempest Rare $40.70 $35.10
Amulet of QuozIce Age Rare $1.04 $1.18
Amulet of UnmakingMirage Rare $0.97 $0.78
An-Zerrin RuinsHomelands Rare $2.34 $2.06
Anaba AncestorHomelands Rare $1.03 $0.93
Anaba Spirit CrafterHomelands Rare $1.30 $1.20
Ancestral KnowledgeWeatherlight Rare $3.99 $3.59
Ancestral RecallBeta Edition Rare $7900.00 N/A
Ancestral RecallUnlimited Edition Rare $4999.95 N/A
Ancestral RecallAlpha Edition Rare $22000.00 N/A
Angus MackenzieLegends Rare $212.49 $255.70
Anvil of BogardanVisions Rare $47.40 $31.91
ApocalypseTempest Rare $7.50 $8.29
Apocalypse ChimeHomelands Rare $0.95 $0.79
Argivian ArchaeologistAntiquities Rare $152.41 $149.61
Argothian WurmUrza's Saga Rare $2.65 $2.65
Ashnod's CylixAlliances Rare $0.92 $0.86
Asmira, Holy AvengerMirage Rare $1.59 $1.35
Auspicious AncestorMirage Rare $0.88 $0.71
Autumn WillowHomelands Rare $1.00 $0.90
Avenging AngelTempest Rare $1.71 $1.71
AvizoaWeatherlight Rare $0.72 $0.57
Aysen CrusaderHomelands Rare $0.89 $0.74
Aysen HighwayHomelands Rare $1.00 $0.94
BadlandsRevised Edition Rare $420.00 $405.98
BadlandsBeta Edition Rare $1894.97 N/A
BadlandsUnlimited Edition Rare $800.00 $750.00
BadlandsAlpha Edition Rare $6049.99 N/A
Baki's CurseHomelands Rare $0.70 $0.53
Balduvian HydraIce Age Rare $1.00 $0.88
Balduvian Trading PostAlliances Rare $3.05 $2.73
Balm of RestorationFallen Empires Rare $0.72 $0.63
Baron SengirHomelands Rare $9.44 $7.46
Barreling AttackMirage Rare $0.69 $0.50
Barrin, Master WizardUrza's Saga Rare $8.69 $7.86
Bartel RuneaxeLegends Rare $28.49 $22.47
BayouBeta Edition Rare $2339.00 N/A
BayouAlpha Edition Rare $4999.00 N/A
BayouRevised Edition Rare $426.92 $399.85
BayouUnlimited Edition Rare $829.98 $627.50
Bazaar of BaghdadArabian Nights Uncommon $2115.00 $1851.53
Bazaar of WondersMirage Rare $1.00 $0.96
Beast WalkersHomelands Rare $0.69 $0.59
Benthic DjinnMirage Rare $0.68 $0.51
Black CarriageHomelands Rare $0.96 $0.82
Black LotusAlpha Edition Rare $53999.00 N/A
Black LotusUnlimited Edition Rare $19249.99 N/A
Black LotusBeta Edition Rare $59999.00 N/A
Blaze of GloryBeta Edition Rare $488.60 $360.00
Blaze of GloryUnlimited Edition Rare $105.26 $131.78
Blaze of GloryAlpha Edition Rare $835.99 N/A
BlizzardIce Age Rare $1.00 $0.85
Bogardan PhoenixVisions Rare $1.50 $1.57
Bone DancerWeatherlight Rare $3.83 $4.34
Bone MaskMirage Rare $0.84 $0.75
Boris DevilboonLegends Rare $27.49 $26.55
Bosium StripWeatherlight Rare $2.97 $2.68
BraingeyserBeta Edition Rare $880.00 N/A
BraingeyserUnlimited Edition Rare $102.94 $106.17
BraingeyserAlpha Edition Rare $1500.00 N/A
BraingeyserRevised Edition Rare $15.39 $13.82
Brand of Ill OmenIce Age Rare $1.50 $1.56
Breathstealer's CryptVisions Rare $4.81 $4.81
BrushwaggMirage Rare $1.67 $1.19
Bubble MatrixWeatherlight Rare $6.86 $7.59
Cadaverous BloomMirage Rare $5.50 $5.47
Call to ArmsIce Age Rare $0.71 $0.55
Candelabra of TawnosAntiquities Rare $873.62 $819.67
Canopy DragonMirage Rare $1.75 $2.42
Carnival of SoulsUrza's Destiny Rare $8.60 $7.92
CarrionMirage Rare $4.54 $4.66
Catacomb DragonMirage Rare $3.12 $3.47
Caverns of DespairLegends Rare $49.98 $43.21
Chain StasisHomelands Rare $3.22 $3.26
Chains of MephistophelesLegends Rare $969.55 $942.32
Chaos HarlequinAlliances Rare $0.66 $0.48
Chaos OrbUnlimited Edition Rare $1600.00 $1120.00
Chaos OrbBeta Edition Rare $2275.00 N/A
Chaos OrbAlpha Edition Rare $5500.00 N/A
ChaosphereMirage Rare $5.82 $5.58
Chromatic ArmorIce Age Rare $1.02 $0.99
ChronatogVisions Rare $2.76 $2.76
Circle of DespairMirage Rare $2.39 $2.57
Citanul CentaursUrza's Saga Rare $0.76 $0.63
Citanul DruidAntiquities Uncommon $10.99 $9.80
City in a BottleArabian Nights Rare $383.10 $355.99
City of ShadowsThe Dark Rare $57.37 $57.21
City of SolitudeVisions Rare $13.30 $12.96
City of TraitorsExodus Rare $379.99 $338.88
CleanseLegends Rare $23.80 $17.80
CleansingThe Dark Rare $10.30 $10.99
Commander Greven il-VecTempest Rare $3.00 $4.09
Conch HornFallen Empires Rare $3.12 $3.02
Contract from BelowUnlimited Edition Rare $24.89 $25.68
Contract from BelowBeta Edition Rare $419.18 N/A
Contract from BelowAlpha Edition Rare $1111.11 N/A
Contract from BelowRevised Edition Rare $2.10 $1.87
Copy ArtifactBeta Edition Rare $917.49 $1499.99
Copy ArtifactUnlimited Edition Rare $299.60 $197.99
Copy ArtifactAlpha Edition Rare $2000.00 $2000.00
Copy ArtifactRevised Edition Rare $60.00 $50.74
Corpse DanceTempest Rare $19.39 $18.88
CorrosionVisions Rare $1.49 $1.19
Covetous DragonUrza's Destiny Rare $2.55 $2.64
Crovax the CursedStronghold Rare $1.12 $1.07
Cursed ScrollTempest Rare $22.55 $21.34
Cycle of LifeMirage Rare $0.89 $0.75
Cyclopean TombUnlimited Edition Rare $118.27 $123.93
Cyclopean TombAlpha Edition Rare $1396.35 N/A
Cyclopean TombBeta Edition Rare $340.00 N/A
Damping FieldAntiquities Uncommon $9.11 $10.01
DarkpactAlpha Edition Rare $755.00 N/A
DarkpactBeta Edition Rare $132.11 $129.99
DarkpactUnlimited Edition Rare $20.76 $21.39
DarkpactRevised Edition Rare $1.00 $0.82
Daughter of AutumnHomelands Rare $0.87 $0.82
Debt of LoyaltyWeatherlight Rare $10.73 $10.92
Delif's CubeFallen Empires Rare $0.99 $0.82
Demonic AttorneyBeta Edition Rare $207.02 N/A
Demonic AttorneyUnlimited Edition Rare $21.58 $18.91
Demonic AttorneyAlpha Edition Rare $500.00 N/A
Demonic AttorneyRevised Edition Rare $1.50 $1.12
Demonic HordesAlpha Edition Rare $799.85 N/A
Demonic HordesRevised Edition Rare $6.98 $7.99
Demonic HordesUnlimited Edition Rare $60.10 $55.36
Demonic HordesBeta Edition Rare $410.00 N/A
Deranged HermitJudge Promos Rare $108.98 $106.51
Deranged HermitUrza's Legacy Rare $57.43 $57.62
Diamond KaleidoscopeVisions Rare $1.13 $1.13
Diamond ValleyArabian Nights Uncommon $699.00 $501.49
DidgeridooHomelands Rare $14.99 $14.87
Discordant SpiritMirage Rare $0.76 $0.65
DisharmonyLegends Rare $38.58 $36.37
Divine InterventionLegends Rare $149.99 $170.77
Divine RetributionMirage Rare $0.99 $0.83
Dominating LicidExodus Rare $2.71 $2.90
DonateUrza's Destiny Rare $7.00 $6.63
Draconian Cylix