Ice Age

Abyssal Specter Uncommon $0.32 $0.25
Adarkar Sentinel Uncommon $0.25 $0.15
Adarkar Unicorn Common $0.22 $0.13
Adarkar Wastes Rare $15.01 $15.97
Aegis of the Meek Rare $0.71 $0.59
Aggression Uncommon $0.28 $0.26
Altar of Bone Rare $5.72 $6.12
Amulet of Quoz Rare $1.00 $1.04
Anarchy Uncommon $0.52 $0.53
Arctic Foxes Common $0.24 $0.11
Arcum's Sleigh Uncommon $0.25 $0.20
Arcum's Weathervane Uncommon $0.25 $0.19
Arcum's Whistle Uncommon $0.25 $0.19
Arenson's Aura Common $0.22 $0.13
Armor of Faith Common $0.24 $0.11
Arnjlot's Ascent Common $0.20 $0.10
Ashen Ghoul Uncommon $0.33 $0.30
Aurochs Common $0.20 $0.11
Avalanche Uncommon $0.25 $0.16
Balduvian Barbarians Common $0.20 $0.09
Balduvian Bears Common $0.34 $0.31
Balduvian Conjurer Uncommon $0.25 $0.18
Balduvian Hydra Rare $1.21 $1.14
Balduvian Shaman Common $0.20 $0.07
Barbarian Guides Common $0.21 $0.16
Barbed Sextant Common $0.24 $0.13
Baton of Morale Uncommon $0.46 $0.49
Battle Cry Uncommon $0.25 $0.21
Battle Frenzy Common $0.20 $0.09
Binding Grasp Uncommon $0.25 $0.16
Black Scarab Uncommon $0.25 $0.21
Blessed Wine Common $0.20 $0.13
Blinking Spirit Rare $0.66 $0.60
Blizzard Rare $1.15 $1.07
Blue Scarab Uncommon $0.28 $0.25
Bone Shaman Common $0.20 $0.09
Brainstorm Common $1.88 $1.76
Brand of Ill Omen Rare $1.06 $0.97
Breath of Dreams Uncommon $0.25 $0.20
Brine Shaman Common $0.24 $0.15
Brown Ouphe Common $0.23 $0.09
Brushland Rare $7.82 $7.82
Burnt Offering Common $0.69 $0.67
Call to Arms Rare $0.81 $0.61
Caribou Range Rare $0.43 $0.36
Celestial Sword Rare $0.49 $0.33
Centaur Archer Uncommon $0.25 $0.16
Chaos Lord Rare $0.50 $0.35
Chaos Moon Rare $0.98 $0.92
Chromatic Armor Rare $1.08 $1.06