
Abandon Hope Uncommon $0.30 $0.24
Advance Scout Common $0.23 $0.18
Aftershock Common $0.27 $0.27
Altar Of Dementia Rare $16.10 $17.25
Aluren Rare $40.57 $40.76
Ancient Runes Uncommon $1.26 $1.41
Ancient Tomb Uncommon $93.20 $88.90
Angelic Protector Uncommon $0.34 $0.34
Anoint Common $0.24 $0.10
Apes of Rath Uncommon $0.30 $0.27
Apocalypse Rare $6.57 $6.60
Armor Sliver Uncommon $0.39 $0.35
Armored Pegasus Common $0.22 $0.13
Auratog Rare $0.89 $0.95
Avenging Angel Rare $1.80 $1.78
Barbed Sliver Uncommon $0.45 $0.29
Bayou Dragonfly Common $0.25 $0.23
Bellowing Fiend Rare $0.43 $0.33
Benthic Behemoth Rare $0.89 $0.89
Blood Frenzy Common $0.25 $0.22
Blood Pet Common $0.48 $0.33
Boil Uncommon $1.00 $1.01
Booby Trap Rare $0.60 $0.58
Bottle Gnomes Uncommon $0.45 $0.45
Bounty Hunter Rare $3.10 $2.83
Broken Fall Common $0.28 $0.26
Caldera Lake Rare $2.00 $3.41
Canopy Spider Common $0.22 $0.12
Canyon Drake Rare $0.46 $0.34
Canyon Wildcat Common $0.24 $0.13
Capsize Common $1.49 $3.49
Carrionette Rare $1.60 $1.78
Chaotic Goo Rare $2.06 $1.96
Charging Rhino Uncommon $0.25 $0.11
Chill Uncommon $0.61 $0.58
Choke Uncommon $1.62 $1.62
Cinder Marsh Uncommon $0.28 $0.22
Circle of Protection: Black Common $0.25 $0.16
Circle of Protection: Blue Common $0.25 $0.24
Circle of Protection: Green Common $0.25 $0.20
Circle of Protection: Red Common $0.25 $0.25
Circle of Protection: Shadow Common $0.24 $0.15
Circle of Protection: White Common $0.25 $0.16
Clergy en-Vec Common $0.25 $0.19
Clot Sliver Common $0.30 $0.25
Cloudchaser Eagle Common $0.24 $0.17
Coercion Common $0.21 $0.16
Coffin Queen Rare $9.17 $9.74
Coiled Tinviper Common $0.24 $0.21
Cold Storage Rare $0.84 $0.76