
Aku Djinn Rare $1.20 $1.22
Anvil of Bogardan Rare $34.30 $31.21
Archangel Rare $0.65 $0.59
Army Ants Uncommon $0.33 $0.25
Betrayal Common $0.30 $0.27
Blanket of Night Uncommon $0.84 $0.75
Bogardan Phoenix Rare $0.99 $0.50
Brass-Talon Chimera Uncommon $0.25 $0.22
Breathstealer's Crypt Rare $4.15 $3.86
Breezekeeper Common $0.20 $0.12
Brood of Cockroaches Uncommon $0.40 $0.35
Bull Elephant Common $0.20 $0.15
Chronatog Rare $3.00 $3.32
City of Solitude Rare $13.46 $11.72
Cloud Elemental Common $0.20 $0.08
Coercion Common $0.24 $0.16
Coral Atoll Uncommon $0.57 $0.58
Corrosion Rare $1.98 $1.74
Creeping Mold Uncommon $0.30 $0.26
Crypt Rats Common $0.75 $0.75
Daraja Griffin Uncommon $0.25 $0.16
Dark Privilege Common $0.40 $0.34
Death Watch Common $0.25 $0.21
Desertion Rare $3.84 $4.76
Desolation Uncommon $1.26 $1.07
Diamond Kaleidoscope Rare $1.42 $1.23
Dormant Volcano Uncommon $0.57 $0.53
Dragon Mask Uncommon $0.25 $0.16
Dream Tides Uncommon $0.50 $0.47
Dwarven Vigilantes Common $0.20 $0.10
Elephant Grass Uncommon $1.22 $1.04
Elkin Lair Rare $2.43 $2.72
Elven Cache Common $0.22 $0.15
Emerald Charm Common $0.25 $0.23
Equipoise Rare $2.54 $1.84
Everglades Uncommon $0.78 $1.00
Eye of Singularity Rare $1.33 $1.15
Fallen Askari Common $0.20 $0.12
Femeref Enchantress Rare $15.65 $14.48
Feral Instinct Common $0.20 $0.11
Fireblast Common $0.64 $0.62
Firestorm Hellkite Rare $1.26 $1.30
Flooded Shoreline Rare $1.30 $1.04
Forbidden Ritual Rare $1.61 $1.67
Foreshadow Uncommon $0.28 $0.21
Freewind Falcon Common $0.31 $0.23
Funeral Charm Common $0.40 $0.34
Giant Caterpillar Common $0.23 $0.09
Goblin Recruiter Uncommon $8.46 $11.82
Goblin Swine-Rider Common $0.23 $0.11