Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths

CardCardRarityRarityAvgAverageMarketMarketFoilFoilFoil MarketFoil Market
Adaptive Shimmerer Common $0.14 $0.02 $0.25 $0.05
Adventurous Impulse Common $0.15 $0.02 $0.25 $0.12
Aegis Turtle Common $0.19 $0.08 $0.33 $0.26
Alert Heedbonder Uncommon $0.20 $0.03 $0.27 $0.13
Almighty Brushwagg Common $0.15 $0.03 $0.28 $0.15
Anguirus, Armored Killer Rare $3.76 $3.09 $4.64 $4.29
Anticipate Common $0.15 $0.05 $0.27 $0.17
Archipelagore Uncommon $0.20 $0.07 $0.35 $0.13
Archipelagore (Showcase) Uncommon $0.27 $0.13 $0.49 $0.26
Auspicious Starrix Uncommon $0.25 $0.06 $0.36 $0.25
Auspicious Starrix (Showcase) Uncommon $0.30 $0.18 $0.90 $0.79
Avian Oddity Uncommon $0.20 $0.05 $0.33 $0.19
Babygodzilla, Ruin Reborn Uncommon $1.23 $1.12 $1.40 $1.40
Back for More Uncommon $0.24 $0.05 $0.34 $0.19
Barrier Breach Uncommon $0.25 $0.18 $0.42 $0.38
Bastion of Remembrance Uncommon $1.21 $0.96 $2.98 $2.52
Battra, Terror of the City (JP Alternate Art) Rare N/A $3.84 N/A $15.32
Beast // Human Soldier (003) Double-sided Token Token N/A N/A $0.26 $0.20
Beast // Human Soldier (004) Double-sided Token Token N/A N/A $0.25 $0.12
Beast // Human Soldier (005) Double-sided Token Token N/A N/A $0.25 $0.17
Beast Token Token $0.25 $0.16 N/A N/A
Bio-Quartz Spacegodzilla Mythic $16.00 $15.68 $20.79 $17.22
Biollante, Plant Beast Form Mythic $20.89 $20.88 $28.69 $29.54
Blade Banish Common $0.15 $0.02 $0.25 $0.08
Blazing Volley Common $0.22 $0.18 $0.39 $0.31
Blisterspit Gremlin Common $0.20 $0.07 $0.37 $0.31
Blitz Leech Common $0.15 $0.02 $0.25 $0.03
Blitz of the Thunder-Raptor Uncommon $0.25 $0.12 $0.38 $0.32
Blood Curdle Common $0.15 $0.06 $0.26 $0.21
Bloodfell Caves Common $0.25 $0.06 $0.29 $0.22
Blossoming Sands Common $0.25 $0.06 $0.30 $0.16
Bonders' Enclave Rare $1.49 $1.26 $2.03 $1.85
Bonders' Enclave (Extended Art) Rare $3.95 $3.95 $10.37 $9.39
Boneyard Lurker Uncommon $0.24 $0.05 $0.28 $0.15
Boneyard Lurker (Showcase) Uncommon $0.29 $0.15 $0.50 $0.37
Boon of the Wish-Giver Uncommon $0.20 $0.09 $0.42 $0.36
Boot Nipper Common $0.15 $0.05 $0.25 $0.12
Bristling Boar Common $0.14 $0.01 $0.25 $0.02
Brokkos, Apex of Forever Mythic $0.89 $0.59 $1.05 $0.99
Brokkos, Apex of Forever (Showcase) Mythic $1.40 $1.40 $4.67 $4.39
Bushmeat Poacher Common $0.15 $0.03 $0.28 $0.23
Call of the Death-Dweller Uncommon $0.39 $0.22 $1.76 $1.70
Capture Sphere Common $0.15 $0.01 $0.25 $0.02
Cat // Human Soldier (003) Double-sided Token Token N/A N/A $0.25 $0.21
Cat // Human Soldier (004) Double-sided Token Token N/A N/A $0.30 $0.26
Cat // Human Soldier (005) Double-sided Token Token N/A N/A $0.29 $0.17
Cat Bird // Human Soldier (003) Double-sided Token Token N/A N/A $0.35 $0.28
Cat Bird // Human Soldier (004) Double-sided Token Token N/A N/A $0.25 $0.21
Cat Bird // Human Soldier (005) Double-sided Token Token N/A N/A $0.39 $0.22
Cat Bird Token Token $0.30 $0.27 N/A N/A