Guilds of Ravnica

CardCardRarityRarityAvgAverageMarketMarketFoilFoilFoil MarketFoil Market
Affectionate Indrik Uncommon $0.19 $0.06 $0.37 $0.25
Angel Token Token $0.98 $1.06 N/A N/A
Arboretum Elemental Uncommon $0.20 $0.07 $0.40 $0.28
Arclight Phoenix Mythic $2.99 $2.16 $6.57 $6.09
Artful Takedown Common $0.14 $0.03 $0.40 $0.34
Assassin's Trophy Rare $3.92 $3.24 $8.63 $8.06
Assure // Assemble Rare $0.29 $0.09 $0.48 $0.24
Attendant of Vraska Uncommon $0.25 $0.17 N/A N/A
Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice Mythic $1.51 $1.39 $4.77 $4.78
Barging Sergeant Common $0.13 $0.02 $0.25 $0.10
Barrier of Bones Common $0.15 $0.07 $0.29 $0.22
Bartizan Bats Common $0.11 $0.03 $0.25 N/A
Beacon Bolt Uncommon $0.25 $0.16 $0.96 $0.88
Beamsplitter Mage Uncommon $0.20 $0.04 $0.60 $0.51
Beast Whisperer Rare $2.78 $2.51 $3.93 $3.85
Bird Illusion Token Common $0.25 $0.21 N/A N/A
Blade Instructor Common $0.13 $0.02 $0.29 $0.25
Blood Operative Rare $0.32 $0.16 $0.55 $0.41
Book Devourer Uncommon $0.20 $0.04 $0.38 $0.22
Boros Challenger Uncommon $0.19 $0.05 $0.46 $0.23
Boros Guildgate (243) Common $0.17 $0.03 $0.85 $0.76
Boros Guildgate (244) Common $0.16 $0.04 $0.57 $0.46
Boros Locket Common $0.16 $0.05 $0.50 $0.48
Bounty Agent Rare $0.40 $0.22 $1.00 $0.95
Bounty of Might Rare $0.25 $0.09 $0.48 $0.25
Burglar Rat Common $0.25 $0.07 $4.01 $4.35
Camaraderie Rare $0.50 $0.30 $1.08 $0.98
Candlelight Vigil Common $0.15 $0.05 $0.30 $0.21
Capture Sphere Common $0.14 $0.01 $0.32 N/A
Centaur Peacemaker Common $0.15 $0.03 $0.27 $0.10
Chamber Sentry Rare $0.30 $0.08 $0.50 $0.21
Chance for Glory Mythic $1.85 $1.85 $10.98 $10.50
Charnel Troll Rare $0.30 $0.19 $0.50 $0.34
Chemister's Insight Uncommon $0.25 $0.09 $0.76 $0.63
Child of Night Common $0.15 $0.04 $0.35 $0.25
Chromatic Lantern Rare $3.20 $2.73 $5.11 $4.59
Circuitous Route Uncommon $0.90 $0.72 $8.12 $8.10
Citywatch Sphinx Uncommon $0.19 $0.01 $0.39 $0.19
Citywide Bust Rare $0.31 $0.20 $0.70 $0.43
Collar the Culprit Common $0.14 $0.02 $0.30 N/A
Command the Storm Common $0.10 $0.04 $0.25 $0.09
Conclave Cavalier Uncommon $0.20 $0.06 $0.49 $0.24
Conclave Guildmage Uncommon $0.24 $0.09 $0.51 $0.45
Conclave Tribunal Uncommon $0.21 $0.06 $0.45 $0.25
Connive // Concoct Rare $0.44 $0.20 $0.93 $0.90
Cosmotronic Wave Common $0.17 $0.07 $0.47 $0.42
Crackling Drake Uncommon $0.25 $0.10 $4.74 $4.46
Creeping Chill Uncommon $0.25 $0.10 $4.43 $4.14
Crush Contraband Uncommon $0.25 $0.14 $2.76 $2.76
Crushing Canopy Common $0.14 $0.03 $0.26 $0.20