Modern Masters

CardCardRarityRarityAvgAverageMarketMarketFoilFoilFoil MarketFoil Market
Absorb Vis Common $0.24 $0.04 $0.35 N/A
Academy Ruins Rare $16.12 $15.39 $18.89 $19.68
Adarkar Valkyrie Rare $1.19 $1.01 $12.67 $13.89
Aether Spellbomb Common $0.32 $0.26 $5.97 $5.73
Aether Vial Rare $7.16 $6.07 $10.20 $9.26
Aethersnipe Common $0.24 $0.13 $0.34 $0.18
Amrou Scout Common $0.24 $0.02 $0.30 $0.01
Amrou Seekers Common $0.22 $0.05 $0.29 $0.21
Angel's Grace Rare $5.14 $5.03 $23.50 $19.58
Arcbound Ravager Rare $16.55 $15.54 $21.20 $22.22
Arcbound Stinger Common $0.30 $0.27 $0.69 $0.87
Arcbound Wanderer Common $0.24 $0.12 $0.40 $0.17
Arcbound Worker Common $0.32 $0.26 $1.58 $1.58
Auntie's Snitch Uncommon $0.25 $0.13 $0.50 $0.41
Auriok Salvagers Rare $0.46 $0.22 $3.78 $5.02
Avian Changeling Common $0.30 $0.25 $0.64 $0.65
Bat Token Token $0.48 $0.38 N/A N/A
Blightspeaker Common $0.24 $0.08 $0.34 $0.20
Blind-Spot Giant Common $0.21 $0.06 $0.39 $0.36
Blinding Beam Common $0.24 $0.04 $0.30 $0.20
Blinkmoth Nexus Rare $2.99 $2.65 $4.99 $4.33
Blood Moon Rare $8.02 $6.71 $12.42 $11.25
Bonesplitter Common $0.25 $0.18 $0.96 $0.79
Bound in Silence Common $0.24 $0.12 $0.37 $0.26
Bridge from Below Rare $1.19 $1.07 $3.25 $3.06
Brute Force Common $0.25 $0.20 $0.52 $0.50
Careful Consideration Uncommon $0.33 $0.33 $0.47 $0.32
Cenn's Enlistment Common $0.24 $0.13 $0.32 $0.28
Chalice of the Void Rare $43.31 $47.70 $70.26 $69.29
Citanul Woodreaders Common $0.24 $0.07 $0.29 $0.23
City of Brass Rare $18.18 $16.44 $45.99 $27.48
Cloudgoat Ranger Uncommon $0.25 $0.10 $0.55 $0.23
Cold-Eyed Selkie Rare $0.50 $0.38 $9.82 $10.91
Countryside Crusher Rare $0.60 $0.53 $3.56 $4.36
Court Homunculus Common $0.21 $0.02 $0.30 $0.12
Crush Underfoot Common $0.25 $0.15 $0.47 $0.32
Cryptic Command Rare $7.27 $6.98 $9.04 $7.87
Dakmor Salvage Uncommon $1.00 $0.91 $3.63 $3.32
Dampen Thought Common $0.24 $0.09 $0.38 $0.23
Dark Confidant Mythic $8.85 $7.88 $17.14 $15.67
Death Cloud Rare $3.50 $3.42 $10.09 $10.28
Death Denied Common $0.25 $0.13 $0.44 $0.33
Death Rattle Uncommon $0.25 $0.05 $0.40 $0.24
Deepcavern Imp Common $0.21 $0.03 $0.30 $0.10
Demigod of Revenge Rare $0.95 $0.64 $2.36 $2.54
Desperate Ritual Uncommon $4.30 $3.35 $32.87 $9.64
Dispeller's Capsule Common $0.24 $0.10 $0.33 $0.33
Divinity of Pride Rare $3.03 $2.77 $7.72 $7.15
Doubling Season Rare $45.70 $41.52 $57.76 $51.74
Drag Down Common $0.24 $0.02 $0.32 $0.24