Introductory Two-Player Set

Alabaster Potion Common $0.91 N/A
Battering Ram Common $0.45 $0.65
Bog Imp Common N/A N/A
Bog Wraith Uncommon $3.64 N/A
Circle of Protection: Black Common $69904.77 $25.00
Circle of Protection: Red Common $1.00 $2.00
Clockwork Beast Rare $12345.67 N/A
Cursed Land Uncommon $2.00 N/A
Dark Ritual Common $4.00 $4.00
Detonate Uncommon $0.99 N/A
Disintegrate Common $2.00 N/A
Durkwood Boars Common $1.00 N/A
Elven Riders Uncommon $2.00 $2.00
Elvish Archers Rare $15.00 N/A
Energy Flux Uncommon $2.00 N/A
Feedback Uncommon $2.00 N/A
Fireball Common $0.12 N/A
Forest (A) Land $7.78 $7.50
Forest (B) Land $6.54 $7.50
Forest (C) Land $1.80 N/A
Glasses of Urza Uncommon $0.99 $0.99
Grizzly Bears Common $2.00 $0.25
Healing Salve Common $18.05 $2.00
Hill Giant Common $4.62 N/A
Ironclaw Orcs Common $1.25 N/A
Island (A) Land $100.00 N/A
Island (B) Land $2.19 N/A
Island (C) Land $2.73 N/A
Jayemdae Tome Rare $2.00 $4.00
Lost Soul Common $1.78 N/A
Merfolk of the Pearl Trident Common $3.05 N/A
Mesa Pegasus Common $32.28 N/A
Mons's Goblin Raiders Common $2.51 N/A
Mountain (A) Land $2.58 N/A
Mountain (B) Land $464.08 N/A
Mountain (C) Land N/A N/A
Murk Dwellers Common $0.15 N/A
Orcish Artillery Uncommon $69.99 N/A
Orcish Oriflamme Uncommon $2.00 N/A
Pearled Unicorn Common $4.32 $2.00
Phantom Monster Uncommon $1.00 N/A
Plains (A) Land $0.15 N/A
Plains (B) Land N/A N/A
Plains (C) Land N/A N/A
Power Sink Common $2.00 N/A
Pyrotechnics Uncommon $2.00 N/A
Raise Dead Common $104.34 N/A
Reverse Damage Rare $50.00 N/A
Rod of Ruin Uncommon $0.25 N/A
Scathe Zombies Common $2.00 N/A