Weekly Winners 2023 - 24

16 Jun
by Arjen

Now that the The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth set has been fully revealed, there are no new surprises, and players are anxiously waiting for its release. Nevertheless, we have some winners to talk about.

Like every week, just in time for FNM, I'll tell you about the Magic: the Gathering cards that'll be the talk of the town tonight! Come discuss this week's price movements with us on Discord.


The past few months we've been focusing on putting out more quality content, and I'd love to share the next few articles with you, since they're worth a read:

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Onto the Weekly Winners!

#1 Adeline, Resplendent Cathar $9.00 (+31%)

Adeline is definitely not a new unknown card. She saw play in Standard White Weenie decks as soon as the card came out, and still does. She's also had a decent impact in Commander, showing up in 66k decks, and leading over two thousand of her own.

She seems to be going up in price this last week because of Coppercoat Vanguard, which was printed recently in March of the Machine: The Aftermath. Arguably one of the best cards in the set, Coppercoat gives each other Human +1/+0 and Ward 1, which is pretty good for adding some extra power to a deck that was already strong to begin with. Since its release, we've seen it being included in Standard decks, but also making the archetype more popular in both Modern and Pioneer.

White Weenie by Olivetti

In addition to Coppercoat Vanguard, this archetype has also received a boost from Invasion of Gobakhan. This battle gives the deck the ability to disrupt the opponent in their strategy. And when you defeat it, it gives you some more tools to keep your army safe and even buff them a little bit.

Interestingly we also saw Kytheon, Hero of Akros's print from From Cute to Brute going up this past week with 41% to about $7.50. Its price actually seemed to be lagging behind its previous prints, but is now catching up. This may be due to it being included in these Pioneer White Weenie decks as well.

Adeline, Resplendent Cathar
Adeline, Resplendent Cathar
Invasion of Gobakhan
Coppercoat Vanguard

#2 Historian's Boon $4.34 (+32%)

Just two weeks ago we talked about Historian's Boon. Back then we saw a huge spike on the foil price going up over 1,000% to $13. The foil prices have since come back down to about $9, but now the regular version is climbing. Last week it went up another 32%. So while it may already be on your radar, I thought it was interesting to see that the regular version is not really spiking, but seems to be going up because of actual demand.

The reason for the increase doesn't seem to have changed. Historian's Boon cares about enchantments, particularly Sagas. With the official release date of the The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth set closing in on us, people are anticipating getting their hands on Tom Bombadil. If you want to read a bit more on the price trajectory of these cards, and the interactions that Tom has with other cards that care about counters and Sagas, I suggest you read Jason's Tom the Bomb article.

Historian's Boon
Tom Bombadil

#3 Kederekt Parasite $8.71 (+15%)

I was a bit surprised to see this little Horror go up 15%. First, because I didn't know this card existed until now, and second because it costs more than $8. This rare from Conflux in 2009 has only been reprinted in The List. When March of the Machine came out, it briefly bottomed out around $5.

This creature let's you do one damage to your opponents whenever they draw a card, but only if you control a red permanent card as well. Meaning that if you play this in Commander, you're most likely at least playing a Rakdos shell. And as I mentioned earlier, it bottomed out around the time March of the Machine came out; so what happened there? Well, Ob Nixilis, Captive Kingpin came out. A new Commander in the Rakdos colors that grows whenever your opponents lose exactly one life. That's a pretty neat interaction together with Kederekt Parasite since they complement each other perfectly.

But there seems to be another reason for the Parasite going up, and that's Orcish Bowmasters from The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth. This card has a similar ability: dealing a damage whenever an opponent draws a card (except the first one each turn), and also nets you an Orc Army. It also fits into the same deck with Ob Nixilis. This seems to have sparked extra interest into this deck and the strategy, moving the price up. Keep in mind though that Orcish Bowmasters is currently selling for $25.

Kederekt Parasite
Orcish Bowmasters
Ob Nixilis, Captive Kingpin

Cheap Pickups

Please note: for our 'record low' we consider the price of the card over the past 7 years. Many cards have been even cheaper (a) decade(s) ago. Also note: some cards are still going down, and might be even cheaper pickups next week.

Cunning Rhetoric $4.99 - Moving up!

Cunning Rhetoric has been identified by the MTGStocks Premium Penny Stocks feature as a card that has reached its bottom and is starting a consistent uptrend.

Silverback Elder $6.97 - Slowly moving down

Sarkhan Vol $5.76 - Slowly moving down


Cunning Rhetoric
Silverback Elder
Sarkhan Vol


That's it for this week. Make sure to check back next week for more Weekly Winners!


Arjen has been playing Magic since Ice Age and has mostly played the Legacy format. Ten years ago he founded MTGStocks because he and his friends wanted to buy Magic singles at the right time to play with.

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