In just a few hours Pro Tour: Fate Reforged starts. The past few weeks have been very interesting, and we are ready for another interesting weekend. We have seen a lot of specluation this week. All three winners of this week are buyouts. And now, just in time for FNM, I present you the cards that will be the talk of the town tonight.
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The #1 winner and the biggest buyout this week is Seize the Day. In the past few months, I've written about Narset, Enlightened Master and the cards that have great interaction with it. Cards like Waves of Aggression, Aggravated Assault, Fury of the Horde. In the Weekly Winners #48-2014 I've listed a number of cards that have similar effects and Seize the Day was one of them.
I have considered the card underpriced up until now, but a $6.75 price tag seems a bit too much. The card will probably dwindle in price, just like the other, similar spikes.
Zirilan of the Claw is a very predictable speculation target. You can search your library for a dragon with a Sneak Attack-like effect (save that the Dragon in question is exiled, not put into the graveyard). The card is on the reserved list, from an old set (therefore a lower supply), legendary (but not a very good commander) and it searches for Dragons. So no surprise people are stacking up on it when a dragon-filled set is predicted to be printed. All good reasons to buy into a card/ hype.
But, will the card actually see play? Isn't Scion of the Ur-Dragon, better to run? Yes, more restrictive to cast, but a good alternative. The only probable place to see Zirilan of the Claw is in casual play. It is fun, not overpowered and has a good effect. But, because of all the reasons above, I expect Zirilan of the Claw to retain a price higher than $8.
Nahiri, the Lithomancer is the card that pushed Leonin Shikari into the spotlights. Not only for EDH, but also for casual. Leonin Shikari would have seen a more gradual rise if it had not been bought out. It is a good card, but not really an evergreen causal card that will be able to retain its value over a longer period of time.
Just as with Zirilan of the Claw I'm not completely sure how high the demand will really be for Leonin Shikari.
Maybe Tiny Leaders will change this. For everyone that is unfamiliar with it: Tiny Leaders is a up and coming casual format, and best described as mini-EDH. Decks may only contain 50 cards of CMC 3 or lower. Including your commander. In Tiny Leaders, Kemba, Kha Regent is played, which has nice synergy with Leonin Shikari. You can instantly equip Kemba, Kha Regent with everything you have, and make a bunch of tokens.
Other interesting movers: