This Week in Magic - Week 48

02 Dec
by Jeremy Lichtenberger

I was off last week to celebrate Thanksgiving, but I was definitely watching things with a close eye. I want to congratulate Team Greece and their win in the World Magic Cup. It's always great to see Modern on camera. Now then, let's get in to the happenings that took place this week.


Arcum Dagsson

As a long time commander player, I am all too familiar with Arcum Dagsson. I've seen him as the head of some very quick, powerful commander decks. He has seen a massive price spike, and it has left me curious. Maybe someone is speculating that he will play well in Aether Revolt? He's always been a great mono blue commander, but I'm not sure how good a 2/2 that does nothing for 4 mana really is, unless he has haste. Spoiler season hasn't quite begun, but four cards have been shown and are up here. It looks like we might see a healthy dose of artifacts in Aether Revolt, so I'm sure we will see more artifact related cards spike in the coming weeks.


Bloodspore Thrinax

Speaking of commander, did you see that Bloodspore Thrinax topped the charts this week? I'm not sure who is behind this mini buyout, but I like their style! He plays well with almost every Simic counter related card and the art is gorgeous to boot. Personally, I would love to find a home for this in my counters matter deck, but at his current price tag, I think I would find alternatives. There are so many cards that compliment creatures buffed by +1/+1 counters, so I'm not convinced of his financial staying power.


Doubling Season

My distain for Doubling Season has…well, not quite doubled, just like its price. Doubling Season has been a powerhouse in commander, and the source of many groans when it hits the table. The fact there are a few alternatives, but none as powerful is why Doubling Season stands the test of time. It just keeps going up and up and I honestly don't think it will recede as quickly as some other cards found in the weekly winners. Much like Mana Reflection, I'd hang on to any copies laying around just for sheer unmatched power.


Krark-Clan Ironworks

Krark-Clan Ironworks is a long time speculative card, but hasn't ever really caught fire. It spiked back in April, but died down shortly after. I feel that it is once again the source of some maniacal brew, and I hope it works out! With the introduction of something like Scrap Trawler, one could effectively make an engine out of two artifacts. It's probably going to be clunky, but I would love to see an infinite mana combo take center stage in Modern.

With Modern getting some camera time, and people feeling that Standard is getting stale, we've seen a shift of popularity in favor of Modern. As much as I enjoy playing, watching and brewing Modern, I am slightly sad to see people moving away from Standard. Granted the format is really just four decks at the top, I still think it is open to new concoctions. I think some have basically given up until Aether Revolt drops, and that could leave the meta battling itself, allowing room for an outsider deck to bust in. For me, I'm always brewing. I can't stop looking at Magic cards and trying to figure out fun, neat or busted interactions. Spoiler season is my favorite time of year, but who's to say that we have to wait until then to brew the next best Standard deck with the dozens and dozens of affordable cards?

More from Jeremy Lichtenberger:

This Week in Magic - Week 43

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Repentant Blacksmith Meddling Mage Ancient Ziggurat

This Week in Magic - Week 42

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This Week in Magic - Week 41

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This Week in Magic - Week 40

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Volrath\'s Shapeshifter Rishadan Footpad Hostage Taker

This Week in Magic - Week 39

Ixalan is here! While I am rejoicing that, I am also weeping as I say goodbye to Eldrazi in Standard. We have a brand new Standard upon us and from what I’ve seen, people are struggling to find new decks that perform well. As people try new things, cards will go up and down at the drop of a hat. Let’s take a look at what movement we saw this week, in Magic.

Hostage Taker Morphling Living Wish

This Week in Magic - Week 38

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Carnage Tyrant Well of Knowledge Knacksaw Clique

This Week in Magic - Week 37

What a week! Iconic Masters dropped at Hascon, and pictures were flooding in at the same time more spoilers for Ixalan were getting dropped. It was an insane Friday and while we got some great cards, the market didn’t really shift too much. Let’s breakdown all the madness, this week in Magic!

Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund Psionic Blast Preemptive Strike

This week in Magic - Week 36

I had a bit of madness at work last week and unfortunately wasn’t able to publish an article, which is unfortunate because FAR too many things happened in the Magic world. Ixalan spoilers are in full swing, dinosaurs are awesome, and Planeswalkers have finally been turned in legendary permanents. Let’s take a deep breath and dive into this week in Magic!

Empress Galina Opt Urza\'s Tower (Mountains)

This week in Magic - Week 34

If you thought there were a lot of reserved list buyouts last week, this week will make you sick. I’m going to try and avoid talking about most of the unplayable cards this week, other than one of my favorite Legends. This week will be a shorter article as I've been on the road and haven't had great access to a computer/internet. Let’s try to push through all these movements, this week in Magic!

Gwendlyn Di Corci Dragonlord Dromoka Voidmage Prodigy